Morgan Joyce Hart / Lucky Goat / ANDII
March 6th is slated to be an unforgettable night of music featuring all-female indie band Lucky Goat, the uplifting folk-soul sensibilities of Morgan Joyce Hart, and incredible indie folk-pop artist ANDII!
March 6
The Sugar Maple
Milwaukee, WI
Doors open: 6:30pm
Music: 7pm

Independent Milwaukee Songwriters Night
An incredible lineup of songwriters will perform this event:
7:00 - Lily Matteson (https://www.instagram.com/herelieslily/)
7:30 - Bear With (https://www.instagram.com/dmelbygibbons/)
8:00 - Andii (https://andii.bandcamp.com/)
8:30 - Heather Styka (http://heather.styka.com/)
9:00 - Shawn Alan Hurd (https://www.instagram.com/shawnalanhurd/)
9:30 - Natalie Sue (https://www.instagram.com/nataliesuee/)
10:00- BluJae (https://www.instagram.com/blujae32/)
10:30- Chris Darby (www.songsforqualityliving.com)

The Longest Night: ANDII/Blacktop/Maximiano
Don’t spend the darkest night alone!
Bring your gentle spirit and your tapping toes and have a wholesome time with your neighbors in celebration of the Sun’s return!